What your scalp reveals about your health July 25, 2021Laura Tudor Did you know that your hair is considered to be a barometer of your health and that hair issues are often the first symptom of a medical or nutritional problem?
The link between stress and scalp issues May 20, 2021Laura Tudor Racing heart, sleepless nights, digestion troubles… these are the internal effects of stress.
7 tips for maximising hair growth March 03, 2021Kieran Tudor In this blog we explain how to maximise your hair's growth cycle and show you how we can help you achieve your healthiest hair naturally. Growing long healthy hair is...
Are you experiencing post lockdown hair loss October 05, 2020Kieran Tudor You may have seen some headlines lately claiming Covid-19 has been causing hair loss with a viral video circulating of actor Alyssa Milano sharing her dramatic hair loss story.
Can scalp massage really regrow hair? September 07, 2020Kieran Tudor Regular scalp massage performed consistently over time can have amazing results for not only improving hair growth but actually thickening the individual hair fibres too to help avoid breakage!
Why is Yoga so good for stress? August 12, 2020Kieran Tudor When it comes to stress there are many good reasons for trying to reduce it, not least because stress is one of the leading causes of disease worldwide but also...
Can nutrition fix hair loss? April 21, 2020Kieran Tudor In this blog we talk about our founder Laura Tudor's experience with hair loss. We reveal the natural methods we used to improve it that ultimately led to the development and creation...