Our Pledge To Support Black Lives Matters June 08, 2020Kieran Tudor From our inception as a brand our goal was to create a beautiful range of hair care products as well as growing our community and team with a diverse mixture...
7 ways to improve your mental health May 20, 2020Kieran Tudor This week is mental health awareness week and there really is no better time than the present to become more PRESENT. To be mentally healthy is more than just Not being Mentally unwell.
Hair growth explained and how to hack it May 04, 2020Kieran Tudor As with most things in life, hair growth is a process that relies on balance. When we are out of balance with things like stress and poor health or diet, our...
Are you washing your hair correctly? April 27, 2020Kieran Tudor It may sound like a silly question but there are a few top tips to consider in order to make sure you are getting the most out of your hair...
How to detox your hair in isolation April 06, 2020Kieran Tudor So we’re in isolation, well most of us are anyway! In this blog post I discuss why now is the ideal time to give your hair a break. Read on...
A guide for improving wellness March 30, 2020Kieran Tudor There's a lot of talk about positivity and how staying positive is important so in this blog I want to explore why, exactly, it is important for our health that...
The scoop on sulphate-free shampoo March 23, 2020Kieran Tudor As consumers are becoming more and more aware of the kinds of ingredients in beauty products and what they actually do, our goal is, and always will be, to educate and empower our...
Hair care for a Vegan lifestyle March 16, 2020Kieran Tudor There’s evidence to suggest that adopting a plant based diet could contribute towards hair loss. The main reason for this is a depletion of certain nutrients that may be lacking in diet.
Why does great hair starts with self care? March 09, 2020Kieran Tudor Self care, It’s a phrase thrown around a lot these days, so in this blog we want to delve in to what it means to us and what we mean...
How's your scalp health? March 02, 2020Kieran Tudor Here at CENTRED we know how important it is to look after your scalp. It is the base from which we grow our hair. Poor scalp condition can affect the...